Six on Saturday: 12.9.20

I have made it through my first week at work. It’s been lovely. I have the first of the RHS exams next week. I am feeling confident of passing but I’d like to get the commendation but we’ll see. WordPress has made the update to the new editor for writing my blogs. So far it is very clunky, sections I’ve written keep vanishing so I’m hoping I can change it back or it improves rapidly as this was a pain to write. I hope you all appreciate it.

1. Scaffolding

The builders are returning to finish our rendering. This has been an ongoing problems since last year. The builders did the job poorly putting internal insulation on the outside of the house and then rendering over. This all has to come off and then another team of builders who seem to know what they are doing are fixing it. It means the garden is going to be a bit of a mess for a while as a lot had to come off the patio ready for the work.

2. Front planters

I have two planters either side of the front door. Into these I placed hydrangea runaway brides. One has thrived. The other has shrivelled. Not sure exactly why. They were both suffering slightly with chlorosis but they’ve both had the same feed. They both get watered at the same time and have similar conditions.

I have cut back the one that has shrivelled. It may return next year but I’m not holding out much hope soI have moved some cylamen in to fill the gap for now. The foliage of the cyclamen being one of my favourite autumn plants.

Only one is flowering currently but they look to be a red and a white one.

3. Pot Rose

Alice has been going past the florist each day on her way to school and has been asking if we can get one of these little pot roses. As we’d made it through a week of work and school I indulged her.

Not necessarily a colour I’d choose but it looks nice enough. We’ll keep it inside to flower and then try transferring it outside to see if it can come back again.

4. Mouse

I went looking in the shed for a potlast Sunday and knocked this little mouse into the bird feed box. I kept it in a box so Alice could have a look and then released it back. They don’t do any harm in the shed. The bird food is all in metal tins and I’d rather they were out in the shed than coming in the house.

5. Bishop’s Children dahlia

This was another of the Bishop’s Children dahlia grown from seed this year. There has been a variety of colours from bright red, through pink and orange and yellow. This one seems to have developed as a partial double form.

6. Asters

The asters are coming into flower now. This is a tall variety that is wedged behind a hebe and sambucus.

And now they’re flowering the insects are happy.

Well, this was painful to write in the new editor. There is no spell checker and trying to read back through it leaps around so I expect complaints from my mother about mistake. I will be getting on with my last burst of exam revision this weekend so I may not get around to reading everyone else’s six blogs until after Monday. Enjoy your weekends.

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22 thoughts on “Six on Saturday: 12.9.20”

  1. WordPress hounded me into using ‘blocks’ a while ago. I hated it at first (there was much cursing) but I’m fine with it now…. unless they’re changing it again? Alice has good taste when it comes to roses. I’ve been looking for an orange one for ages. The very best of luck with the exams.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Just a bit annoying that plug ins I have running don’t work.
      Alice was excited to show her rose to mum when she got in. It’ll give us a little burst of colour inside. Be nice if it can survive outside after flowering but we’ll see.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, goodness, what is it about builders? We’ve had quite a few projects which have been done badly, so it must be a world wide problem. On a more cheerful note, I think the rose chosen by Alice is very sweet. You are engendering a love of nature in your daughter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The builder came highly recommended and I think if it had just been building we’d have been fine. But he obviously didn’t know what he was doing with the render. We think he had spare kingspan insulation he wanted rid of that he put on before rendering. But it’s the wrong sort of insulation for external walls. Just be happy to have it all done.


  3. Yes, I like Alice’s choice of rose too. I’m quite happy to have mice in the garden but the broad beans provided them with early summer meals and they are enjoying the courgettes now. 🥒🐀 I will try putting thorny twigs around the vegetables next season.


  4. Can’t you still use the classic editor? I always create posts through wpadmin and still use the classic one. I’m not a fan of the block editor. Your pot rose should survive outdoors. My daughter bought me one for mother’s day several years ago and it’s still flowering. And still in a pot, though a bigger one now! What’s the new job then? Not back to teaching? I thought you’d changed careers? 🙄


    1. I haven’t found a way to go back to the classic editor yet. It always you to write blocks in classic but then it keeps formatting wrong and delteting them.
      I was looking to move into horticulture but lost my growers job with the pandemic. Then there was hardly any jobs going of any sort. Lots of people have started garden businesses locally so the competition for that will be high currently. Most I don’t think will last as they don’t have the knowledge or skill and will end up back in normal jobs.
      The job I’ve picked up is a teaching assistant job at Alice’s former nursery. I’m working afternoons and after school club so it means I get to take Alice to school and then do some house and garden jobs in the morning. Working with kids but not having to take home the level of work I did as a teacher.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sounds much better. Teaching is all consuming. Re the editor. There is a classic block in the block editor that works much the same, or if you scroll down My Sites (left) to the bottom you should see WPADMIN – click on that. If you have used the block editor you will find that the Add New post button has an option to choose the classic editor. I have a video link that a fellow WP blogger has done which may help you.


  5. I do hope for your sakes that the building work finishes soon. The maze of scaffolding must be a nightmare to navigate through. Hope too that there is minimal damage to all your plants!
    That is a lovely rose Alice chose. I like the colour of the flowers.
    What a lucky find in your shed. Was Alice excited to see the little mouse?
    Your pollinator photos are always so pleasing to view – always in such detail!
    Wishing you all the best for your exam this week. Hope it all goes well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The builders have taken the dodgy render off fine so the new builders should be sorting it next week. Hopefully not too long.
      Alice loved seeing the mouse. I think the exam was fine. I was able to answer everything so we’ll see in December how I’ve done.

      Liked by 1 person

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