Six on Saturday: 6.10.18 wet Autumn day

After another period of dry weather, it looks like today is going to be a wet day. That’s the bulb planter cancelled for the moment. I don’t think Alice will go along with doing it in the rain. At least the ground will be softened.

1. Cyclamen

I’ve bought a few large cyclamens from Tescos. These ones haven’t flowered yet. Most of the trolley had red flowers, so we’ll see what colour these come out. They’ll give a nice burst of colour in the foliage corner. The leaves are nicely veined and fit well with the heuchera.

2. Fatsia-spider web

Carrying on from last week, I bought another fatsia for the patio. This is a variegated version. Accounts differ about whether it is less hardy than the standard variety. We’ll see over the winter in a side by side comparison.  It also isn’t supposed to grow quite as big. I had considered bringing it inside for the winter, but I think I’m going to just try to keep it sheltered.

3. Aeonium arboreum-Zwartkop

My aeonium was left out last winter. It survived, but lost a lot of leaves. Having hung on in there it has gradually recovered over the year. So this year it’s coming in. I’m going to try it in the loft. There is a sky light giving a small amount of light and it shouldn’t need much water during the dormant winter season.

4. Sarracenia-pitcher plant

Having talked about some going in, now one going out. I had this pitcher plant inside, but can’t find a position it is happy in. The windowsills are all too bright and it was getting some leaf burn. Pitcher plants need lots of light, combined with lots of water. Ideally, rainwater. Pitcher plants are carnivorous, so take nutrients from insects. The hard tap water I get would do it harm. It was suggested putting it outside and it seems to be a bit happier. It will shrivel down for winter like a herbaceous perennial. It is currently being tested for UK winter hardiness with the plant being grown outside all year. As I don’t have a good spot inside I may leave it out and see how it does. I may lose it, but it isn’t going to thrive inside.

5. Holly fern-fortunei

Another fern going on the patio. While it’s browned a bit at the moment it was cheap and new fronds in Spring will replace the brown ones. I have one in the border already in fairly deep shade, but it can be pot grown if kept moist. I thought it was a nice contrast of leaf shape to the couple I’ve bought so far. It is native to Asia. I’d quite like to find a painted fern, another Japanese native, to go with it to add contrast of leaves and colour. The bright green of these in Spring is a wonderful sight.

6. Rain

My dad, kindly, mowed the lawn earlier in the week. Luckily, as I am not going to be able to do it now as I’ve had continual rain for the last few hours. All the supermarkets are selling Autumn lawn repair boxes. But I think mine has done pretty well through the Summer drought with no watering. Seeded well, cut to a higher level and no SPring watering has done it good. If you water your lawn in Spring and when it’s establishing it encourages shallow rooting. Supposedly, If it’s left to its own devices it roots deeper helping during dry periods. Either way, it’s looking lush. Not a mass amount of colour in the garden at the moment, but the hydrangeas are still giving a good display as they gradually fade. Some of the roses are set to give second bursts. The verbena has been keeping the pollinators happy. The rain is helping it all look fresh.

I’d talked about the patio last week but didn’t really show it properly. It is just a concrete slope. It is getting paved, which should make it look much better. The slope does, however, help all the plants planted in the border at the end of the patio. The hydrangeas benefit from lots of water in Summer, so getting all the water runoff from the patio helps them a lot.

Hope you all enjoy your weekends. Check the propagators blog to see more six on Saturday posts.

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22 thoughts on “Six on Saturday: 6.10.18 wet Autumn day”

  1. Your garden looks great and the lawn immaculate. Our back lawn has recovered okay, though the front lawn is taking longer. I never have much luck with grass seed on bare patches of lawn. It rearly seems to grow.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I forked the bare patches well last Spring. Then used a mix of two different seed types. Then a scattering of compost on the top. Haven’t done much since. It seems to be hard wearing enough for a two year old trampling on it and her slide on and off.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I love the leaves of your cyclamen! Your garden is looking fantastic! I hope the slope in the patio doesn’t cause too many problems when you pave it. We have an incline in our back patio from the house down to the lawn. It’s not a huge distance and there is a drain right at the bottom and I’ve always wondered if we can pave over the concrete.


  3. So beautiful cyclamen …. I love them !
    Soon, you ‘ll have no path if the hydrangeas continue to grow …😂
    Nice Six, I overwintered my aeonium in my attic at 10 ° C with 2 windows and LED lights : it lost most of the leaves too … but started well in the spring. I hesitated to let it out this winter unlike you.


    1. I didn’t have a decent space to bring the aeonium in as was still getting settled in the house, so more necessity than anything else. I want to do some cuttings in spring from the side shoots as a bit untidy at the moment. But to be fair survived beast from East so hardier than they are given credit for. The hydrangeas were planted too close to the path, but been in a decade or so before we got the house. Need cutting each spring, but frame the path perfectly. I wouldn’t have picked them, but their long season of colour keeps the garden looking bright.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I have Aeoniums too, the Zwartkop variety. Easy to propagate as long as the stems don’t get wet as then they rot. I cut the top rosette off and stick it into gritty compost. I then cut the long stem into 4″ pieces and plant them (make sure you know which end is the top and which the bottom!) and then I leave the already rooted (but by now bare) stem in the pot to do its thing. Seems to work OK. I find they get too leggy if you don’t keep cutting them down. And I always bring mine indoors in winter – a cold, light room is perfect. As for your Pitcher plants I have only seen those outside and usually in a bog garden. Though if you live oop north, then maybe they do need some protection!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of the places testing pitcher plants outside hardiness isn’t that far from me. But they have them in beds. I think my bigger issue will be. Wind drying them out. So need a few windbreaks around. But we’ll see how it goes. Only one way to find out.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful cyclamen leaves, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any quite like them. I have aeonium Swartkop but it was very badly damaged by the frost and is very slow to come back. I don’t have a greenhouse either.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, had lots of nice comments on the blog and from visitors on the cyclamen. I’ve got one patch of the smaller variety, but these are quite striking.

      The aeonium has taken most of the year to recover and it doesn’t have as big rosettes as last year, so think it needs the protection. Otherwise may have to give up on them.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m another who likes the upstairs window shot & the cyclamen. I think we may’ve chatted on Twitter about the fatsia. We’ll have to compare notes in spring. Yours is lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

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